Sotheby's Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1): 17th October, 1966: 56-62

Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 1966
Published: 1966
KeiBi Identifier:29:1220
All Reviews:Revista biblica 33 (1971) 284-285 (R. Dell’Oca)
Rivista di studi classici 16 (1968) 125-129 (G. Pavano)
ArOr 36 (1968) 693-694 (V. Bubeník)
ВО 24 (1967) 230 (Annemarie Schimmel)
OLZ 62 (1967) 445-446 (G. Mensching)
ArAu 41 (1967) 94 (R. Pittioni)
Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. Parrot)
Syria 43 (1966) 329-330 (A. P[arrot])
Archaeology 20 (1967) 240 (A. Anonymus)
Syria 43 (1966) 331-332 (A. P[arrot])
Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. P[arrot])
Further subjects:Aufsatzsammlung
Summary:Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "Lots" in darauffolgenden Auktionskatalogen erneut offeriert werden; Western Asiatic Seals: 56: Syrian c.s. (mid. II); four OB c.s.; Assyrian c.s. (II/I); 57: Jemdet Nasr st.s. (3000); three br. st.s. (late II); 59: three Ur III c.s.; two Ur III st.s.; NA c.s.; two other c.s.; 60: three NA st.s. of pyramid form; three NA st.s. in form of a duck; 61-62: two Early Dynastic I c.s. (3000-2780); North Syrian c.s.; large Assyrian st.s. (II/I). – 63-84: Western Asiatic Antiquities: 66: ten Amlash br. bells of openwork form; ten small br. openwork cylindrical pendants; 67: Iranian iron sword, Susa (I); 68: Iranian br. hemispherical bowl (second half I); Iranian br. shallow bowl; 69: Luristan br. dagger; three Luristan iron bracelets; 70: Bronze Age pottery vessel Asia Minor (late III); burnished orange pottery jug (II); 71: Luristan br. knife; Luristan br. talisman group; 72: Amlash br. pectoral in form of a stylised mother goddess figurine (II/I); 73: seven Luristan br. finger rings; 74: Luristan br. “collar” ring; Luristan base-silver ring, of tapering collar-like form; 75: Amlash terra-cotta rhyton, animal head (late II/early I); 76: Luristan br. axehead; two Luristan br. maceheads; 77: Amlash br. axehead; Luristan br. axehead; 78: three Amlash br. daggers (I); 79: three pairs of Luristan br. circular cymbals; three others similar; two Luristan br. situlas, twenty Luristan br. bracelets of varying types; 80: Luristan br. talisman group; 81; a collection of eighteen Luristan br. pins; three br. surgical implements; 82: three Persian br. animals (ibex, lion; I); 83: Luristan br. axehead; Luristan br. pin; three small Luristan br. pendants; 84: three Luristan br. funerary ornaments. (1212-1229. Sotheby’s Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1); Anm. Abkürzungen: br. = bronze; c.s. = cylinder seal; st.s. = stamp seal; (III), (II), (I) = third, second, first millennium B.C.; (9th), (8th), (7th) = ninth, eight, seventh century B.C.; (2200) = с. 2200 B.C. (usf.).