Sotheby's Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1): 25th July, 1966: 159-189
Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "...
Format: | Print Book |
In: | Year: 1966 |
Published: |
KeiBi Identifier: | 29:1219 |
All Reviews: | Revista biblica 33 (1971) 284-285 (R. Dell’Oca) Rivista di studi classici 16 (1968) 125-129 (G. Pavano) ArOr 36 (1968) 693-694 (V. Bubeník) ВО 24 (1967) 230 (Annemarie Schimmel) OLZ 62 (1967) 445-446 (G. Mensching) ArAu 41 (1967) 94 (R. Pittioni) Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. Parrot) Syria 43 (1966) 329-330 (A. P[arrot]) Archaeology 20 (1967) 240 (A. Anonymus) Syria 43 (1966) 331-332 (A. P[arrot]) Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. P[arrot]) |
Further subjects: | Aufsatzsammlung
Summary: | Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "Lots" in darauffolgenden Auktionskatalogen erneut offeriert werden;
Western Asiatic Antiquities: 160: OB c.s. (1800-1600); six North Syrian c.s. (II/I); 161: large Ur III cuneiform tablet (account); four similar tablets; inscribed cone (II); 162: Ur III tablet (account of sheep); another Ur III tablet (both Šū-Sîn 2); account (wages paid to earth carters, Šū-Sîn 1); Ur III tablet (record concerning work done by three gurus, overseer: Ur-<sup>d</sup>En-líl; date: Amar-Sîn 3); Ur III tablet (wages for labourers on the field of <sup>d</sup>Šul-pá-è, date: Amar-Sîn 7); 163: two tablets with Sîn-kāšid inscriptions; four small clay cones with similar inscription (Eanna mentioned), from Uruk; 164: Ur III tablet (delivery of butter; date: Šulgi 46); another (delivery of reed; date: Šū-Sîn 1); three tablets (agricultural and wage records; statements of work done; inventory of baskets); three small Ur III tablets; 167: Iranian burnished orange pottery bowl (II); Iranian pottery vessel; Iranian br. jug.; 168: Iranian prehistoric pottery vessel; 169: Iranian buff pottery vessel (2000); 173: Yortan female figure, from SW Anatolia (last half III); burnished red pottery figure of a camel, supposedly from Hacılar; clay tablet with c.s. impressions; Mesopotamian terra-cotta figure; 174: four Luristan br. daggers (early I); 175: three Luristan br. daggers (early I); 178: Near Eastern terra-cotta rhyton, animal head; 180: Luristan br. sword; 181-182: three Luristan br. axeheads; 183: Iranian base-silver flask with rounded body (late I); 184: Luristan br. bracelet; br. pin; 186: Hacılar red burnished terra-cotta head of female fertility figurine, level II (VI); 187: Iranian flat bronze dish, probably Achaemenid (5th); 188: Luristan halberd; 189: Iranian br. sword, Amlash (II). [1212-1229. Sotheby’s Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1;
Anm. Abkürzungen: br. = bronze; c.s. = cylinder seal; st.s. = stamp seal; (III), (II), (I) = third, second, first millennium B.C.; (9th), (8th), (7th) = ninth, eight, seventh century B.C.; (2200) = с. 2200 B.C. (usf.). |