Sotheby's Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1): 24th January, 1966: 1-42
Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "...
Format: | Print Book |
In: | Year: 1966 |
Published: |
KeiBi Identifier: | 29:1212 |
All Reviews: | Revista biblica 33 (1971) 284-285 (R. Dell’Oca) Rivista di studi classici 16 (1968) 125-129 (G. Pavano) ArOr 36 (1968) 693-694 (V. Bubeník) ВО 24 (1967) 230 (Annemarie Schimmel) OLZ 62 (1967) 445-446 (G. Mensching) ArAu 41 (1967) 94 (R. Pittioni) Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. Parrot) Syria 43 (1966) 329-330 (A. P[arrot]) Archaeology 20 (1967) 240 (A. Anonymus) Syria 43 (1966) 331-332 (A. P[arrot]) Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. P[arrot]) |
Further subjects: | Aufsatzsammlung
Summary: | Die einzelnen Auktionskataloge werden nach dem "Day of Sale", die zur Auktion eingebrachten Altertümer nach den Nummern der "Lots" zitiert. Beschreibung erfolgt in knappster, abgekürzter Form. Es ist den Bearbeitern nicht möglich festzustellen, inwieweit nicht zugeschlagene "Lots" in darauffolgenden Auktionskatalogen erneut offeriert werden;
Western Asiatic Antiquities: 2-3: br. animals; 4: Syro-Hittite br. axehead (1200); 5: Syro-Hittite br. figure of a man (1200); 6: Syrian br. figure of standing man (9th); 9: Syrian terra-cotta mother goddess figurine (II); 10-14: Luristan br.s; 15: Amlash orange pottery figure of a stag (9th/8th); 16: black pottery vessel, perhaps from Azerbaijan; 17: Anatolian burnished pottery head and neck of an ibex (II); 18: Iranian light buff pottery vessel in form of bull, Tepe Giyan (late II); 19: Amlash br. sword (I); 20: Amlash br. swords, daggers, knives (I); 21: Iranian swords (I); 22: Luristan br. shallow bowl (mid I); 23-24: Luristan br. axeheads 26: Iranian spear and arrowheads (I); 27-28: steatopygous female figurines, Amlash (I); 29: Luristan br. axehead; 30-35: Luristan br. horse’s bits, pins, talismans, etc.; 36: Iranian br. sword (I); 38a: cuneiform tablet, Sumerian, list of offerings, 34 11. (Šū-Sîn 8); 38b: cuneiform tablet, Sumerian, list of offerings (animals) IV cols., 137 11. (Šū-Sîn 1); 39: OB cuneiform tablets, sheep and goats, kept for their fleeces and hair (Samsuilūna 26; see T. G. Pinches, JRAS 1917, 723-729), and three other tablets; 40: two OB letters and a tablet mentioning hire of a worker; 41: OB contract, OB account, OB letter (lots 38-41 formerly in the W. Harding Smith Collection); 42: Anatolian marble fertility figurine, mother goddess figurine (III). (1212-1229. Sotheby’s Sales Catalogues (Sotheby and Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, London W. 1);
Anm. Abkürzungen: br. = bronze; c.s. = cylinder seal; st.s. = stamp seal; (III), (II), (I) = third, second, first millennium B.C.; (9th), (8th), (7th) = ninth, eight, seventh century B.C.; (2200) = с. 2200 B.C. (usf.).