Die Kunst Anatoliens von Homer bis Alexander

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Akurgal, В.
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 1961
Published: 1961
KeiBi Identifier:24:5
All Reviews:Zgodovinski časopis 18 (Ljubljana 1965) 316-318 (V. Korošec)
NRT 87 (1965) 751-752 (J. Radermakers)
Ur-Schweiz 29 (Basel 1965) 52 (A. Anonymus)
Zgodovinski časopis 18 (Ljubljana 1965) 316-318 (V. Korošec)
Archeologia classica 18 (Roma 1966, ersch. 1967) 313-316 (M. Pallottino)
Helikon. Rivista di tradizione e cultura classica dell’Università di Messina 6 (Roma 1966) 762-764 (G. Zinserling)
AA 27 (1964, ersch. 1965) 184 (R. M. Harrison)
Speculum artis. Zeitschrift für alte und neue Kunst 14/2 (Zürich/Konstanz 1962) 55-56 (P. Calmeyer)
Studii clasice 6 (Bucureşti 1964) 425-429 (S. Dimitriu şi P. Alexandrescu)
RHA XXII/74 (1964) (E. L[aroche])
MH 20 (1963) 58 (K. Schefold)
Archaeology 15 (1962) 295 (G. M. A. Hanfmann)
MGVK 15 (1962) 71-73 (H. Kenner)
MH 20 (1963) 58 (K. Sсhefоld)
OA 1 (Roma 1962) 286-289 (A. M. Вisi)
The Classical World 55/1270 (New York 1962) 293 (V. L. Trell)
Or 32 (1963) 467-468 (W. F. Wiseman)
RA 57 (1963) 43-44 (M. Lambert)
BJV 2 (1962) 254-255 (W. Nagel)
AJA 68 (1964) 73-75 (R. S. Young)
AnatoUa 6 (Ankara 1961/62, ersch. 1963) 71-86 (Y. Воysal)
Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations 19 (1964) 1011-1012 (P. Vidal-Naquet)
ArÉr 90/1 (1963) 144-145 (J. G. Szilágyi)
BAnB 38 (1963) 107-108 (L. Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford)
Belleten 27/107 (1963) 499-511 (A. M. Mansel)
The Classical Journal 59 (Athens, Ohio 1963) 129-130 (E. L. Kohler)
DLZ 84 (1963) 812-814 (G. von Lücken)
East and West NS 14 (Roma 1963, ersch. 1964) 234-235 (A. Tamburello)
Gnomon 36 (1964) 74-79 (D. G. Mitten)
Gymnasium 70 (Heidelberg 1963) 475-476 (W. Zschietzschmann)
RÉA 65 (1963) 173-179 (J. Marcadé)
Syria 40 (1963) 331-334 (A. P[arrot])
OLZ 59 (1964) 468-471 (W. Orthmann)
Syria 40 (1963) 328-330 (A. P[arrot])
Description not available.