Remarks on the Archive of the Soldier Ubarum

1. The Village of Ṣupur-Šubula — 2. The Military Hierarchy — 3. The Income of a Soldier.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Landsberger, В.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1955, Volume: 9, Pages: 121-132
KeiBi Identifier:18:233
All Reviews:JSS 2 (1957) 425-6 (T. Fish)
BASOR 139 (1955) 23 (W. F. Albright)
RA 50 (1956) 147-9 (R.-R. Jestin)
Summary:1. The Village of Ṣupur-Šubula — 2. The Military Hierarchy — 3. The Income of a Soldier.