The Discovery of the Ancient Capital of Cyprus. Alasia, a Town of the 2nd Millennium, found at Enkomi, near Famagusta

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Schaeffer, Cl. F.-A.
Format: Print Article
Year: 20. , Pages: 278-280 (15 fig.)
KeiBi Identifier:13:543
All Reviews:MUSJ 28 (1949-1950) 289-91 (R. Mоuterde)
Syria 27 (1950) 342-4 (R. Dussаud)
TLZ 76 (1951) 34-8 (O. Eissfeldt)
AJ 31 (1951) 79-80 (L. Woolley)
BLOT 1951, 22 (G. R. Driver)
BО 8 (1951) 96-100 (H. Frankfort - du Mesnil du Buisson)
Archaeology 4 (1951) 124-5 (S. S. Weinberg)
Germania 29 (1951) 89-90 (V. Milojčič)
RB 58 (1951) 476-8 (R. de Vaux)
Antiquity 25 (1951) 217-8 (L. Woolley)
Gnomon 24 (1952) 60-3 (H. H. von der Osten)
AJA 55 (1951) 409-11 (A. Perkins)
Revue des Sciences Religieuses 26 (1952) 179-81 (A. Vincent)
Revue des Études Anciennes 53 (1951) 108-9 (J. Bérard)
Or 21 (1952) 517-9 (A. Pohl)
AA 16 (1953) 159-61 (E. Porada)
JHS 73 (1953) 181 (F. H. Stubbings)
Description not available.