The Divine Name YHWH in the Light of Recent Discoveries

1. Hebrew <i>ʾānî yahwê</i> and Phoenician <i>yqtl ʾnk</i> — 2. <i>YHWH</i> as a Proper Name — 3. <i>YHWH</i> as a Nomen <i>Agentis</i> — 4. Theophorous Formations — 5. Evolution of the Epithet.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Obermann, J.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1949, Volume: 68, Pages: 301-323
KeiBi Identifier:13:450
All Reviews:BLOT 1950, 18 (D. W. Thomas)
JBL 69 (1950) 193-6 (G. Douglas Young)
Or 20 (1951) 202-3 (J. Friedrich)
JNES 10 (1951) 63-4 (I. J. Gelb)
Summary:1. Hebrew <i>ʾānî yahwê</i> and Phoenician <i>yqtl ʾnk</i> — 2. <i>YHWH</i> as a Proper Name — 3. <i>YHWH</i> as a Nomen <i>Agentis</i> — 4. Theophorous Formations — 5. Evolution of the Epithet.