Ankara Bedesteninde bulunan Eti Müzesi Büyük Salonunun Kilavuzıı (Guide to the Hittite Museum in the Bedesten at Ankara)

türkisch-englisch; Kur. 130.

Bibliographic Details
Authors: Güterbock, H. G.; Özgüç, N.
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 1946
Published: Istanbul 1946
KeiBi Identifier:10:7
All Reviews:Artibus Asiae 9 (1946) 368-9 (E. Porada)
JCS 2 (1948) 156 (A. Goetze)
BО 6 (1949) 58 (R. Naumann)
RA 43 (1949) 94 (A. Spуcket)
ZA 49 (1949) 319-20 (A. Moortgat)
JAOS 69 (1949) 178-83 (A. Goetze)
JNES 10 (1951) 62 (I. J. Gelb)
Summary:türkisch-englisch; Kur. 130.