International Bibliography of the History of Religion/Bibliographie internationale de l’histoire des religions. For the year 1958-1959 compiled under the responsibility of C. J. Bleeker

by (Joseph Forcinelli and] the Staff of the Blaisdell Institute for Advanced Study in World Cultures and Religions, Claremont, California; Director: Herbert W. Schneider; spez. II 5 (19-21): Ancient Near East and Middle East; für die ersten vier Bände der IBHR vgl. 24:b:39.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Anonymus, A.
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 2000
Published: Leiden 2000
KeiBi Identifier:29:9
All Reviews:Bonner Jahrbücher 163 (Kevelaer 1963) 571 (H. Hinz)
Syria 41 (1964, ersch. 1965) 371-372 (A. P[arrot])
Syria 38 (1961)324 (A. P[arrot])
RHA XXI/72 (1963) 55-56 (E. L[aroche])
RA 57 (1963) 212-213 (M. Lambert)
JRAS 1963, 266-267 (A. D. H. Bivar)
RA 57 (1963) 159-162 (M. Lambert)
ZDMG 113 (1963) 323-324 (W. Hinz)
Summary:by (Joseph Forcinelli and] the Staff of the Blaisdell Institute for Advanced Study in World Cultures and Religions, Claremont, California; Director: Herbert W. Schneider; spez. II 5 (19-21): Ancient Near East and Middle East; für die ersten vier Bände der IBHR vgl. 24:b:39.