The Vassal-Treaties of Esarhaddon

1. Introduction; Historical; Discovery; Purpose and Date; Succession; Relations with the East — The Treaty Tablets: Seal Impressions; Divine Witnesses; Stipulations; Curses; Relation to other Vassal-Treaties — 2. Text: Transliteration and Translation; Notes; Index to Excavation Nos., Duplicates, Joi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Wiseman, D. J.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1958, Volume: 20, Pages: 1-92 (12 pl., 6 fig., 53 autogr. pl. of cuneiform text)
KeiBi Identifier:20:581
All Reviews:Syria 36 (1959) 119-120 (A. Parrot)
BO 19 (1962) 58 (W. G. Lambert)
BO 19 (1962) 159-162 (I. J. Gelb)
Summary:1. Introduction; Historical; Discovery; Purpose and Date; Succession; Relations with the East — The Treaty Tablets: Seal Impressions; Divine Witnesses; Stipulations; Curses; Relation to other Vassal-Treaties — 2. Text: Transliteration and Translation; Notes; Index to Excavation Nos., Duplicates, Joins and Plates — 3. Copies of Cuneiform Text.