The First Legai Document from the Later Old Assyrian Period

1. Introduction — 2. Description: Tablet and Envelope — 3. Transliteration and Transcription — 4. Translation — 5. Notes to the Transliteration and Translation — 6. Content of the Text — 7. Date and Place of Origin.

Bibliographic Details
Authors: Gelb, I. J.; Sollberger, E.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1957, Volume: 16, Pages: 163-175 (4 pl.)
KeiBi Identifier:20:217
All Reviews:Or 29 (1960) 108-109 (A. Pohl)
BO 7 (1960) 42-44 (В. Kienast)
ZA 54 (1961) 257-64 (D. О. Edzard)
Summary:1. Introduction — 2. Description: Tablet and Envelope — 3. Transliteration and Transcription — 4. Translation — 5. Notes to the Transliteration and Translation — 6. Content of the Text — 7. Date and Place of Origin.