British Archaeology Abroad, 1966: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem

Jordan; i.a. “During May 1966, Mrs Diana Helbæk excavated a Chalcolithic site in the Beqa‘a of the Lebanon. The excavations have produced important evidence of the extent of the Halaf culture of Mesopotamia into this region during the late 5th and early 4th millennia B.C.”

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hennessy, Basil
Format: Print Article
Year: 1967, Volume: 41/162, Pages: 129-130
KeiBi Identifier:29:1645
All Reviews:OLZ 70 (1975) 464-468 (W. Orthmann)
Berytus 18 (1969) 159-167 (Helga Seeden)
Syria 47 (1970, ersch. 1971) 400-405 (J.-L. Huot)
AJ 49 (1969) 140-141 (P. J. Parr)
Summary:Jordan; i.a. “During May 1966, Mrs Diana Helbæk excavated a Chalcolithic site in the Beqa‘a of the Lebanon. The excavations have produced important evidence of the extent of the Halaf culture of Mesopotamia into this region during the late 5th and early 4th millennia B.C.”