(New acquisitions:) Persian (Amlash, 1000-800 B.C.), two vessels in forms of standing women and zebu acc. no. 65-85

and fig. on p. 21; rhyton.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Anonymus, A.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1966, Volume: 45, Pages: 20
KeiBi Identifier:29:1176
All Reviews:Revista biblica 33 (1971) 284-285 (R. Dell’Oca)
Rivista di studi classici 16 (1968) 125-129 (G. Pavano)
ArOr 36 (1968) 693-694 (V. Bubeník)
ВО 24 (1967) 230 (Annemarie Schimmel)
OLZ 62 (1967) 445-446 (G. Mensching)
ArAu 41 (1967) 94 (R. Pittioni)
Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. Parrot)
Syria 43 (1966) 329-330 (A. P[arrot])
Archaeology 20 (1967) 240 (A. Anonymus)
Syria 43 (1966) 331-332 (A. P[arrot])
Syria 43 (1966) 330-331 (A. P[arrot])
Summary:and fig. on p. 21; rhyton.