Palestine during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods

= САН I, IX §§ V-VIII.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: de Vaux, R.
Format: Print Article
In:Cambridge Ancient History
Year: 1966, Issue: 1/IX §§ V-VIII
KeiBi Identifier:30:618
All Reviews:Gymnasium 75 (1968) 169-170 (H. G. Gundel)
RA 62 (1968) 90 (H. Cazelles)
ZDPV 85 (1969) 104-105 (A. Kuschke)
Gymnasium 75 (1968) 169-170 (H. G. Gundel)
RA 62 (1968) 90 (H. Cazelles)
ZDPV 85 (1969) 104-105 (A. Kuschke)
Athenaeum 47 (1969) 321-322 (R. Tamassia)
Athenaeum 47 (1969) 320-321 (R. Tamassia)
OLZ 63 (1968) 463-465 (H. Bardtke)
RH 140/ 488 (1968) 544 (M. Lambert)
OLZ 63 (1968) 463-465 (H. Bardtke)
RH 140/ 488 (1968) 544 (M. Lambert)
Further subjects:Konferenzschrift
Summary:= САН I, IX §§ V-VIII.