Makkan and Meluḫḫa in Early Mesopotamian Sources

prior to ca. 1500 B.C., Makkan is the southern shore of the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea; Meluḫḫa is their northern shore.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gelb, I. J.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1970, Volume: 64, Pages: 1-8
KeiBi Identifier:32:1233
All Reviews:RA 69 (1975) 85-86 (M. Lambert)
ZA 62 (1973) 269-274 (J. Krecher - W. von Soden)
ZA 62 (1973) 264-268 (J. Krecher)
BO 29 (1972) 120 (Anonymus)
JNES 31 (1972) 380-382 (A. Westenholz)
BO 29 (1972) 120 (A. Anonymus)
JNES 31 (1972) 380-382 (A. Westenholz)
BASOR 202 (1971) 30 (J. S. Cooper)
BASOR 202 (1971) 30 (J. S. Cooper)
RA 65 (1971, ersch. 1972) 175-177 (M. Lambert)
Summary:prior to ca. 1500 B.C., Makkan is the southern shore of the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea; Meluḫḫa is their northern shore.