Egypt: The Amarna Period and the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty


Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Aldred, Cyril
Format: Print Book
In:The Cambridge Ancient History<sup>2</sup>
Year: 1971
Published: 1971
KeiBi Identifier:34:597
All Reviews:ChrÉ 48 (1973) 95-97 (С. Vandersleyen)
JAOS 93 (1973) 399-400 (D. Mueller)
JNES 32 (1973) 247-248 (E. F. Wente)
AnCl 41 (1972) 385-386 (R. Tefnin)
CBQ 34 (1972) 343-344 (I. Mihalik)
RÉA 73 (1971, ersch. 1973) 442-443 (D. Lehmann)