Some Results of the Third International Conference in Asian Archaeology in Bahrein, March 1970: New Discoveries in the Persian/Arabian Gulf States and Relations with Artifacts from Countries of the Ancient Near East

esp. 294f., archaeological reconnaissance and the Sumerian problem.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Anonymus, A.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1971, Volume: 33, Pages: 291-337, 10 pl.
KeiBi Identifier:34:586
All Reviews:ZDMG 126 (1976) 392-393 (H. Kanus-Crédé)
Belleten 38/150 (1974) 317-334 (M. H. Şakiroğlu)
JA 262 (1974) 218-219 (A. Popovic)
OLZ 69 (1974) 381-382 (A. Popovic)
Вопросы Древней Истории (Кавказско-ближневосточный сборник, IV), Тбилиси 1973, 191-207 (Э. А. Менабде, Д. А. Хахутайшвили)
AfO 24 (1973) 142-143 (E. Weidner)
ZA 62 (1972) 160 (J. Krecher)
ZATW 83 (1971) 313 (J. A. S[oggin])
Or 41 (1972) 303-305 (R. North)
Summary:esp. 294f., archaeological reconnaissance and the Sumerian problem.