The Flood Myth: An Inquiry into Causes and Circumstances

7 audiotapes from an interdisciplinary symposium (esp. AT 335, $15: John Dillon - Anne D. Kilmer - Isaac M. Kikawada - Wolfgang J. Heimpel, Cuneiform Materials, Historicity, and Historiographie Function; AT 336, $13: Martin Schwartz - Leonard H. Lesko, Ancient Iranian and Egyptian Traditions).

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Medienart: Druck Buch
In:Jahr: 1976
Veröffentlicht: Berkeley 1976
KeiBi Identifikator:38:946
Alle Rezensionen:Studia Iranica 7 (1978) 295-297 (Ph. Gignoux)
Language 53 (1977) 237-239 (F. R. Palmer)
Mundus 14 (1978) 5-7 (R. Schmitt)
RA 72 (1978) 85-87 (P. Amiet)
Syria 55 (1978) 172-175 (P. Amiet)
OLZ 73 (1978) 345-346 (H. Neumann)
RB 84 (1977, ersch. 1978) 636 (F. L[anglamet])
BSOAS 40 (1977) 600 (A. K. Irvine)
Or 46 (1977, ersch. 1978) 392-393 (R. Köbert)
ZDMG 127 (1977) 455 (E. Wagner)
ZSSR 94 (1977) 362-366 (H. Lanz)
ZATW 89 (1977) 152 (G. Fohrer)
OLZ 75 (1980) 251-252 (W. Diem)
RÈA 81 (1979, ersch. 1980) 208-21 (A.-M. Tupet)
ZAT W 88 (1976) 449-450 (A. Anonymus)
ZA 69/1 (1979) 151-155 (R. M. Boehmer)
C1R 29 = 93 (1979) 182 (R. P. Duncan-Jones)
weitere Schlagwörter:Aufsatzsammlung
Zusammenfassung:7 audiotapes from an interdisciplinary symposium (esp. AT 335, $15: John Dillon - Anne D. Kilmer - Isaac M. Kikawada - Wolfgang J. Heimpel, Cuneiform Materials, Historicity, and Historiographie Function; AT 336, $13: Martin Schwartz - Leonard H. Lesko, Ancient Iranian and Egyptian Traditions).