Abraham in History and Tradition

$15.00; Neo-Вabylonian origin assigned to much of the Abraham tradition.

Bibliographische Detailangaben
1. VerfasserIn: Van Seters, John
Medienart: Druck Buch
In:Jahr: 1975
Veröffentlicht: New Haven 1975
KeiBi Identifikator:38:842
Alle Rezensionen:VT 28 (1978) 241-255 (H. Gazelles)
Biblica 58 (1977) 573-577 (S. McEvenue)
ВО 34 (1977, ersch. 1978) 204-205 (А. van Selms)
BSOAS 40 (1977) 602-603 (J. C. Greenfield)
JBL 96 (1977) 109-113 (J. J. M. Roberts)
JSS 22 (1977) 90-92 (R. E. Clements)
Westminster Theological Journal 39 (1977) 380-385 (D. К. Odendaal)
Protestantesimo 35 (1980) 130-105 (J. A. Soggin)
CBQ 38 (1976) 601-603 (A. Cody)
ZATW 88 (1976) 161 (A. Anonymus)
IEJ 28 (1979)131-132 (A. F. Rainey)
JNES 38 (1979) 146-148 (D. Pardee)
JTS 30 (1979) 220-234 (E. W. Nicholson)
OLZ 74 (1979) 454-456 (G. Pfeifer)
RB 85 (1978, ersch. 1979) 589-618 (A. de Рurу)
Zusammenfassung:$15.00; Neo-Вabylonian origin assigned to much of the Abraham tradition.