Сходство и различие антропоморфной пластики Южной Туркмении и Месопотамии в эпоху энеолита

Antonova, E. V., Parallels and Variety of Anthropomorphic Plastics of Southern Turkmenia and Mesopotamia in the Aeneolithic Age; Parallelen zu Hassuna, Halaf, Obeid.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Антонова, E. В.
Contributors: Гафуров, Б. Г. (Editor)
Format: Print Article
In:Средняя Азия в древности и средневековье
Year: 1977, Pages: 15-20, ????. 2-3
KeiBi Identifier:40:856
Further subjects:Konferenzschrift
Summary:Antonova, E. V., Parallels and Variety of Anthropomorphic Plastics of Southern Turkmenia and Mesopotamia in the Aeneolithic Age; Parallelen zu Hassuna, Halaf, Obeid.