Excavations at Tepe Nush-i Jan. I: A Third Interim Report, by David Stronach and Michael Roaf. II: Median Pottery from the Fallen Floor in the Fort, by Ruth Stronach. III: The Animal Remains, A Preliminary Report, 1973 and 1974, by S. Bökönyi

Bibliographic Details
Authors: Stronach, D.; Bökönyi, S.; Stronach, R.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1978, Volume: 16, Pages: 1-28, 9 fig., 2 tables, 8 pl.
KeiBi Identifier:40:71
All Reviews:BO 40 (1983, ersch. 1984) 742-745 (M. van Loon)
JAOS 100 (1980, ersch. 1981) 68-69 (L. D. Levine)
RAr 1981 112-115 (J.-L. Huot)
ZA 70/2 (1981) 297-307 (P. Calmeyer)
Studia Iranica 7 (1978) 309-312 (R. Gyselen)
AJA 83 (1979) 234-236 (R. N. Frye)
American Historical Review 84 (1979) 431-432 (M. M. Eisman)
Antiquity 53/207 (1979) 68-70 (M. Mallowan)
BSOAS 42 (1979) 572-574 (A. D. H. Bivar)
Description not available.