Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. Volume 3: Phoenician Inscriptions including inscriptions in the mixed dialect of Arslan Tash

p. 179-187: map, tables of scripts, fig. 1-17

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gibson, John C. L.
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 1982
Published: Oxford 1982
KeiBi Identifier:44:196
All Reviews:JNES 36 (1987) 137-142 (Dennis Pardee)
AJ 63 (1983) 156-157 (B.S.J. Isserlin)
JBL 103 (1984) 453-455 (J. Teixidor)
ArOr 51 (1983) 83-84 (K. Petráček)
Bibliotheca Sacra 140/559 (1983) 277 (W. R. Bodine)
BLOT 1983 29 (E. Ullendorff)
BO 40 (1983) 123-131 (M. Baldacci)
BSOAS 46 (1983) 543-544 (J. Wansbrough)
JRAS 1983 90-91 (S. P. Brock)
JTS 34 (1983) 198-201 (P. Wernberg-Møller)
PEQ 115 (1983) 75-76 (P. W. Coxon)
Études théologiques et religieuses 57 (1982) 622-623 (D. Lys)
ZATW 94 (1982) 334 (О. Kaiser)
Summary:p. 179-187: map, tables of scripts, fig. 1-17