Amulets and Magic Bowls: Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity


Bibliographic Details
Authors: Naveh, Joseph; Shaked, Shaul
Format: Print Book
In:Year: 1985
Published: Jerusalem/Leiden 1985
KeiBi Identifier:47:1258
All Reviews:ВО 44 (1987, ersch. 1988) 518-520 (Anders Hultgård)
BSOAS 50 (1987) 124 (Cyrus H. Gordon)
JAOS 107 (1987) 133-134 (Cyrus H. Gordon)
JNES 47 (1988) 152-153 (Michael Morony)
RB 95 (1988) 585-588 (Émile Puech)
BLOT 1986, 141 (M. J. Geller)
ZDMG 136 (1986) 641-642 (R. D[egen])