The Pottery from the Obeid 4 Level at Tell el ‘Oueili

ersch. 1985

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lebeau, Marc
Format: Print Article
Year: 1983, Volume: 39, Pages: 37-49, 20 fig.
KeiBi Identifier:47:1033
All Reviews:AfO 34 (1987, ersch. 1988) 94-95 (Richard Pittioni)
ZDMG 138 (1988) 371-372 (Rolf Hachmann)
JAOS 106 (1986, ersch. 1987) 830-832 (Rudolph H. Dornemann)
BASOR 262 (1986) 95-96 (P. M. Bikai)
OLZ 81 (1986) 50-52 (В. Brentjes)
ВО 42 (1985) 194-197 (R. Leenders)
Syria 60 (1983, ersch. 1986) 350-352 (Fr. Braemer)
ArOr 52 (1984) 310-311 (P. Ch[arvát])
Summary:ersch. 1985