Metaphors and Monsters. A literary-critical study of Daniel 7 and 8

<i>Doctoral Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Theology, University of Uppsala</i>; 16-29: <i>š</i>. <i>izbu</i> and historical omens; 69-120: Mesopotamian herd leaders.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Porter, Paul A.
Format: Print Book
In:Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series
Year: 1983
Published: Lund 1983
KeiBi Identifier:48:1881
All Reviews:BO 43 (1986, ersch. 1987) 658-660 (Peter Höffken)
JAOS 107 (1987) 552-553 (Edwin Yamauchi)
JTS 38 (1987) 454-457 (P. M. Casey)
VT 37 (1987) 493 (R. P. Gordon)
Summary:<i>Doctoral Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Theology, University of Uppsala</i>; 16-29: <i>š</i>. <i>izbu</i> and historical omens; 69-120: Mesopotamian herd leaders.