A Cuneiform Anthology of Religious Texts from Ugarit. Autographed Texts and Glossaries

Myth - Myth and Ritual - Ritual - Incantation - Legend. Conversion Table KTU-CARTU. Alphabetic Glossary. Semantic Glossary

Bibliographic Details
Authors: de Moor, Johannes C.; Spronk, Klaas
Format: Print Book
In:Semitic Studies Series. New Series
Year: 1987
Published: Leiden 1987
KeiBi Identifier:50:436
All Reviews:AfO 36/37 (1989/1990) 177-179 (D. Pardee)
АfO 36/37 (1989/1990) 177-179 (D. Pardee)
OLZ 86 (1991) 502-503 (W. Herrmann)
BO 46 (1989) 681-683 (F.C. Fensham)
JSOT 43 (1989) 122-123 (Richard S. Hess)
BO 46 (1989) 681-683 (F.C. Fensham)
JAOS 110/4 (1990) 761-762 (David Marcus)
JSOT 43 (1989) 123 (R.S. Hess)
BLOT (1988) 84-85 (W.G.E. Watson)
BLOT (1988) 84-85. (W.G.E. Watson)
Summary:Myth - Myth and Ritual - Ritual - Incantation - Legend. Conversion Table KTU-CARTU. Alphabetic Glossary. Semantic Glossary