with a contribution by R.J. Matthews, The Proto-Cuneiform Texts from Jemdet Nasr. Vol. 1: Copies, transliterations and glossary

Bibliographic Details
Authors: Englund, R.K.; Grégoire, J.-P.
Format: Print Book
In:Materialien zu den frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients
Year: 1991
Published: 1991
KeiBi Identifier:54:290
All Reviews:OLZ 91 (1996) 22-27 (H. Neumann)
ArOr 62 (1994) 85-87 (Petr Charvát)
ZA 84 (1994) 130-135 (J. Friberg)
BLOT (1993) 30 (W.G. Lambert)
SEL 10 (1993) 112-113 (G. Visicato)
Further subjects:Aufsatzsammlung
Description not available.