"Город мастеров" на древневосточной периферии. Планировка поселения и социальная структура Алтын-депе в III. тыс. до н.э.

Berezkin, Ju.E., "Craftsmen's Town" on the border of Ancient East. Settlement Planning and Social Structure of Altyn-depe in Late III mill. B.C.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Березкин, Ю.Е.
Format: Print Article
Year: 1994, Volume: 120 (3/1994), Pages: 14-37, 4 Abb.
KeiBi Identifier:54:74
Summary:Berezkin, Ju.E., "Craftsmen's Town" on the border of Ancient East. Settlement Planning and Social Structure of Altyn-depe in Late III mill. B.C.