The Third-millennium Inscriptions

Bibliographic Details
Authors: Eidem, Jesper; Bonechi, Marco; Finkel, Irving L.
Contributors: Oates, Joan (Editor); Oates, David (Editor)
Format: Print Article
In:Excavations at Tell Brak, Vol 2: Nagar in the third millennium BC
McDonald Institute Monographs
Year: 2001, Pages: 99-120
KeiBi Identifier:60:293
All Reviews:BO 59 (2002) 108-110 (M. Stol)
ZA 96 (2006) 127-132 (N. Ziegler)
RA 98 (2004) 151-178 (Rezensionsartikel von D. Charpin)
JNES 63 (2004) 211-212 (R.D. Biggs)
JCS 54 (2002) 130-134 (M. Van De Mieroop)
Or 72 (2003) 330-332 (St. Dalley)
Syria 81 (2004) 278-281 (P. Villard)
Further subjects:Konferenzschrift
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