Guerre et succession dynastique chez les Achéménides: entre 'coutume perse' et violence armée

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Briant, Pierre
Contributors: Chaniotis, Angelos (Editor)
Format: Print Article
In:Army and Power in the Ancient World
Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien
Year: 2002, Issue: 37, Pages: 39-49
KeiBi Identifier:61:148
All Reviews:JNES 65 (2006) 125-127 (S. Richardson)
ZDPV 121 (2005) 86-89 (L. Massmann)
BSOAS 67 (2004) 229-230 (J. Curtis)
ZAW 116 (2004) 445-446 (M. Köckert)
ArOr 71 (2003) 102-103 (J. Pečírková)
BASOR 332 (2003) 104-105 (J.W. Betlyon)
BO 60 (2003) 669-670 (T. Boiy)
Further subjects:Konferenzschrift
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