Title: | Same Same! ...But Different | |
Director 1: | Wade A. Jacks | |
Country: | UK | |
Year: | 1998 | |
length: | 17 mins | |
Colour/b-w: | colour | |
Genre: | short film, drama | |
Screenwriter: | Wade R. Jacks | |
Cinematographer: | Faye | |
Editor: | Kane Williams | |
Producer: | ||
Production company: | The Film School Bournemouth and Poole | |
Cast: | Graham Bryan, Ben Tolkien, Gemzé Ceylon | |
Location: | TABB | |
TABB No.: | 86 | |
Synopsis: | Dan brags to his friend, Joe, about his first and only date with Bei. | |
Keyword 1: | youth | |
Keyword 2: | gender | |
Keyword 3: | Asian | |
Keyword 4: | white |